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A little bit about us 👫

Seeing some new faces around here lately so just wanted to pop up and say hi! 👋🏻

We are Lance and Lea - songwriters, artists, lovers. We met completely randomly 7 years ago at a music industry event here in Nashville and immediately felt an intense connection - like we had known each other in a previous life or something. It was almost strange how comfortable we felt around each other right away. A used-to-be-Amish girl and a wild Texas rocker cosmically colliding on a rainy music city night, who woulda guessed?

We started writing songs together shortly after meeting aaaaand the rest was history! Songs would literally flow out of thin air constantly when we were together - sometimes we’d write 4 or 5 songs in one afternoon. Pretty sure you know what’s coming next... yep, we fell in love :) and since then haven’t spent more than a handful of days apart.

We’ve written hundreds of songs, released three studio albums, played hundreds of shows and traveled at least half the US spreading love and playing live music. We have a passion to connect with people and inspire whether it be through the music, a conversation, a quote, a picture etc. We spend pretty much every day together, working on our music in one way or another - writing songs for upcoming albums, recording in our little home studio, designing new merch items, booking shows, answering emails, interacting with our peeps on socials, oh and of course finding time to just be a couple :) 👫

We are 100% independent artists, musicians and songwriters so every little bit of support really makes a huge difference - whether it be listening to our music, a comment, a share, a like, a msg or monetary support through our patreon page. We love you - we’re here for you if you need anything. Thank you for being here. xo - LnL ♥

1 comment

  • I saw you last night at the Kleiner barn and was really taken with your song Wildflower. I love Colorado and wildflowers. I have a brand new baby granddaughter and her mother has a pi ure hangingvin her

    Jackie Tipsword on

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